this entry is special to wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my beloved one..ok..actually two..but the most i love is my sister..Zurainee Ariffin a.k.a kak neem and my bestfriend eva Nurulhuda Ariffin...share the same father's name??yes...that are us..=)
kak neem...
wish you happy birthday yg ke 38...erk..38 already??but u look young...(saje je ni nak bodek...hehe...)..i hope you::
- will always be bless by Allah..
- dimurahkan rezeki
- dipermudahkan dlm segala urusan
- semoga dapat menjaga saya dan terus menerus menjadi "BANK DUNIA" kpd sy..hehe
- semoga kamu terbuka hati utk mghadiahkan saya kereta..[giler punye harapan..hehe]
- semoga cepat abes phD..and when you are called DR in one day..mtk2 lg senang sy mengepow awak..=)
- doakan sy jgk bia jadi rajin and pandai extreme mcm sy rs sy yg plg malas among us kn..hehe...
wish you hepy besday jua and my hope::
- may always be in Allah bless
- semoga dpt jd Dr yg baek
- cpt2 la abes program kt Padang sane...balik ukm pulak..supaya sng kite jumpe..
- jgn lupekan aku bila dh bjaye nt..hehehe...
ok..dah lewat..nk g kelas pulak...baibai..
thanks mastura:)
hehe mu tau dop,ad slh in ur 3rd wishes..ak kt bandung laa cemas :p
sowi bru bkk ko ny blog..ak stat bce dr atas laa tp ur entry..
cemas,maceh byk2..tharu ak..da laa gamba mu agi temb.. laa dpd ak.x caye tgk mu mse g uma ari2..haha
k tq dear:)..friend forever!!
hahaha...ak mengalami stress overdose kot..terus jd cm xkesah la...ak try kecikkan slow2..hehehe
ok..kt bandung..sokmo tukar nama tmpt...hehee
mne ad slh slh ohm..hehe..stlah b'kurun bru ak rply..maap yea cemas cayam
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