Wednesday, August 19, 2009

::hari yg indah ckit dr hari biase ::


just drop by to write what happen today...

what happened??actually nothing...because i just had 1hour class for today (i had replaced the class with Dr Hayati yesterday..hehe)...really like this day because i can be always at my clean my friends' farm...trying this quiz and that quiz..many things..and melepak atas katil smbil baca majalah RAPI...erk....majalah RAPI???since when i'm involved in reading of those types of magazines??hehe...actually dh lama dah..kt cni je ak mcm mls nk je mase lepas g print KPN nk bg Dr Eshah check esok..ak singgah kt kdai tu sb nk beli kerepek ubi lada kering....cet..pnjg nama ubi itu...tb2 ak terpandang mjlh je la...

there's nthing to write anymore there's one incident happened ms aku turun tangga nk g kelas..tgh2 ak bjalan sorg smbil tak hiraukan org sekeliling...(mmg ak xpnh kisah org sb ak bkn ad urusan dgn dorg..hihi..ayt org sombong kak ak ad org pgil..."kakak...kakak.......kak........."..ak pn pusing pgil aku???pehal pulak...ak tgk die mcm lg tua je dr aku.....dlm kepala ak ms tu hny pikir TUAKAH AKU???NAMPAK TUA SGT KE??NMPK SENIOR SGT KE???cet.........die pgil ak sb nk pnjm access card nk masuk gate...xkisah la.......hihi...

then smp situ je citer tu sbnrnye..teringat lak kt ayat kakak aku..die ckp..." you are the magazine..not a red spot book anymore..." first ak mmg totaly xphm ayt itu sb ak ni kl bab english mmg teruk nk mati la...hihihii...then br ak phm....mmg...ak kne serius dh kl wat ap2 skrg...mmg kl org laen bg die xde ap2 bg fmily ak kne la bpikir dgn jayanye...

::ms dolu2..yg mmg clear dr mslh....sgt best!!!!::

eh..terpanjang la pulak tulis...ak kne stop dlu....

bye now.....




kecik ^^ said...

Tcher..x paham prenggan last..hehe

m.a.s.t.u.r.a said...

xphm??stdy lg smpai paham...hehehe