Monday, November 1, 2010



being in between situation is a hard thing to control.just imagine the old old memory tb2 come again into your life.suddenly...and you have no time to think about it...and you dont know how to handle and what to do..

ok..change the language..nt kang slh org ketawa..wlpn org yg ketawa lom tentu hebat englishnya..[sarcastic sungguh...hehhehe]..

kdg2 kita tak expect benda nk jadi kt kita.sedang kita elok2 hidup dgn tenang,tb2 gunung merapi,bkn..tb2 badai melanda..sdg kite elok2 je hidup dgn hrpn xkn ada lg mslh timbul..tb2..dtg la mslh bergolek2...

sebenarnya bkn la jwpn tu ada pada hati kita.cuma kita manusia biasa..kita takut hati kita bukan ke tu maknanye kita tak tetap pd yg satu?

tp..setelah fikir memasak, sy rs sy dh made up my mind. tak gune gidup dlm ke-confuse-an. just stick to one and plan for the happy future together. lagipun bknnya cantik pn kan smpai kene wat2 pilihan ni..kui3...

for the old memory..sorry to say..I CAN'T..once the decision made, there is no turning back. once I decide, I need to go through..susah senang saya nt..xpe..DIA yg esa ada..inshaAllah Dia tolong..don't worry much about me..because I know what I do....inshaAllah..

sekarang,doakan saya hepy..that's all..tq for coming again into my life..but I'm sorry..I can't..

till then.bye now..

p/s::hanya dia yg ada..w.o.n.d.e.r.w.a.l.l..


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