entry yg less with words..but much with pics..the last weekend activities..venue::Shah Alam,Selangor..=))
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
TIRED..the only word that I can say to describe myself for this week. The full day Monday from about 8 am to 7 pm..and a long long tired day on Tuesday, need to attend two lab session practical for Biotech and Env.Science...sgt penat..
entry ni quite random. I have lots of ideas to vomit out this way,but I have no time. Actually I have the time,but think twicely, it's more better if the ample times I fill to complete my works yg bersusun tinggi mcm menara klcc tuh...
::gambar yg xde kaitan dgn entry ckit pun::
apakah sudah aku mengarut nih..ok..better sleep now..nite...
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
::Syaaban meraikan Ramadhan::
Esok Nisfu Syaaban..meaning that ad kurang lebih 15days to go for Ramadhan.bulan keampunan..bulan keberkatan.ramai org tau and selalu sebut.."esok nisfu syaaban.puasa ah.." mgkin tk ramai tau apa yg ad dengan Syaaban...[ok,entry ni religious la ckit..slalu sgt duniawi,utk ukhrawi sedikit sgt....] we go..
PEngertian Syaaban:: Kemuliaan::Ketinggian::Kebajikan::Jinak::Cahaya::
Nabi s.a.w bersabda:: Syaaban bulanku,Ramadhan bulan umatku.Syaaban mengKIFARATkan dosa..[hapuskan] thenRamadhan mensucikan dosa::
Sabda 2:: Sesape yg berpuasa 3hari dlm Syaaban,dan berselawat ke atas-Ku beberapa kali bfore break-fasting,maka diampunkan Allah dosanya yg lalu dan diberkati rezekinya::
ok..kalau nk tulis..sgt byk..ppl.if u are interested in what Syaaban is all click here...
kt tmpt lain pn byk gk..btw,need to stop now..bye...
p/s::di-kopi dari web site tersebut...
p/s::B,hopefully kite pn berada dalam rahmat Allah s.w.t..amin..
Friday, July 23, 2010
::hari reject sedunia::
just back from Baitul Hassanah..dekat je pun..xsmp setengah jam..then g discuss pasal program alam sekitar..mcmkene ubah tentatif sb dorg ada kelas tmbahan+fardhu ain+segala,tpksa re-meeting...[bab2 meeting la paling aku malas..]
arini mcm xde mood...smlm dkt kul12 tgh mlm br hbs bincang Biotech..come out dgn some ideas to run d bila g meng-hadap beliau,abes sume di-REJECT atau bhs lembutnya.."you all balik pikir dan tgk2 journal2 research yg berkaitan..then modify yg baru" i just wonder we have only about7 weeks to run all these...and I also wonder,why do some people can just hybrid the banana plant??this migth be the khabar angin I heard..bukan kah dh ada ramai yg buat benda alah tu??and why when we suggest to..
I dont know why...she asked for the simple one project..when we asked for the example of the simple one,then the answer come is...."I can directly give you the example...think and think..think...and think..."..and dalam hati kami...."HUHuuuuu..............."
I wonder I am on my way gonna be a TEACHER..SUPER TEACHER....SUPER LADY...or a SCIENTIST...BIOTECHNOLOGIST....or doing my PhD....sakit hati jiwa raga.....sem ni memang kene bertahan...sabar......sabar....sabar........TAK BOLEH GIVE UP AND EMO....
p/s::and for all friends.....and me also...sem ni byk2 bersabar ye...keje dlm grup kene KOMITED..sume org byk pndai2 la manage time sendri..susun jadual hidup msg2...keadaan kdg2 sgt kritikal..dan tak mustahil kalau ad perasaan cepat marah..naik angin..serabut..itu normal utk sume org byk lbh kurang 12 minggu lg bersama..xnk ad kenangan pahit...insyaAllah...
just back from Baitul Hassanah..dekat je pun..xsmp setengah jam..then g discuss pasal program alam sekitar..mcmkene ubah tentatif sb dorg ada kelas tmbahan+fardhu ain+segala,tpksa re-meeting...[bab2 meeting la paling aku malas..]
arini mcm xde mood...smlm dkt kul12 tgh mlm br hbs bincang Biotech..come out dgn some ideas to run d bila g meng-hadap beliau,abes sume di-REJECT atau bhs lembutnya.."you all balik pikir dan tgk2 journal2 research yg berkaitan..then modify yg baru" i just wonder we have only about7 weeks to run all these...and I also wonder,why do some people can just hybrid the banana plant??this migth be the khabar angin I heard..bukan kah dh ada ramai yg buat benda alah tu??and why when we suggest to..
- make the senses grasses...[the sense of pandanus]
- make the probiotic jam...[it is not same as the probiotic choc]
- use purple non-sulphuric bacteria to decompose the sulphur..[ask to find the other bacteria type..but what???what type????]
- create the hibiscus smell like roses..[it needs too long time..]
All these are REJECTED...
I dont know why...she asked for the simple one project..when we asked for the example of the simple one,then the answer come is...."I can directly give you the example...think and think..think...and think..."..and dalam hati kami...."HUHuuuuu..............."
I wonder I am on my way gonna be a TEACHER..SUPER TEACHER....SUPER LADY...or a SCIENTIST...BIOTECHNOLOGIST....or doing my PhD....sakit hati jiwa raga.....sem ni memang kene bertahan...sabar......sabar....sabar........TAK BOLEH GIVE UP AND EMO....
p/s::and for all friends.....and me also...sem ni byk2 bersabar ye...keje dlm grup kene KOMITED..sume org byk pndai2 la manage time sendri..susun jadual hidup msg2...keadaan kdg2 sgt kritikal..dan tak mustahil kalau ad perasaan cepat marah..naik angin..serabut..itu normal utk sume org byk lbh kurang 12 minggu lg bersama..xnk ad kenangan pahit...insyaAllah...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I'm back here..supposed to be read and study the animal physiology homeostasis + integration.Tapi why me still be here??sebab..ada benda nk tak terluah...nak luah semua dekat kawan??mereka juga ada masalah..tak mgkin mereka mahu mendengar..[sb i am a quite bad,saya assume org lain pun begitu..]
Just now I said..wanna be SELFISH..[almost like that la..]..tapi skrg..saya rasa..TAK BAIK lak wat mesti kwn2 saya yg lain marah..[yang menyayangi saya la]..kata mereka saya KENE TEGAS...KENE BERKERAS....JANGAN BERLEMBUT...JANGAN CEPAT KESIAN...
tapi saya...mcm tak mampu nak wat semua tu.kenapa??sb saya mcm dah terdidik..bantu orang.senangkan orang.walaupun kdg2 mcm over...smp saya sndiri yg menanggung susah demi kesenangan org xpe...saya percaya Allah adil...hari ni pn DIA dah byk tlg saya...Alhamdulillah..
maka..saya rs..saya mahu jadi tegas,tak cepat kesian kt org...[tgk jenis2 org...utk org2 yg poyo,berlagak bagus,bajet bagus,bajet bagossss sgt2..rasanye lepas ni xde lagi budi bicara kot..]saya dh nekad..saye kene bertahan...bukan lama...sekejap je lagi..nt dh hbs belaja,insyaAllah xde lg hal2 cmni..harapnye..amin..
kepada wonderwall..tq sb paham saya.saya rindu awak..[mst ad org ckp..rindu pn nk tulis kt meh saya jawab.."suka hati aku la msg2...ko igt ko bagossss??=)))"] of ur text..
yes...i know u always be with me tak kira saya betul atau salah...saya baik atau jahat....=)))
hurm...nk tdo..esok..i am a new mastura haji ariffin...insyaAllah..yg tegas..yg berani..yg susah nk kesian kt org [org2 tertentu shj]..=)))
I'm back here..supposed to be read and study the animal physiology homeostasis + integration.Tapi why me still be here??sebab..ada benda nk tak terluah...nak luah semua dekat kawan??mereka juga ada masalah..tak mgkin mereka mahu mendengar..[sb i am a quite bad,saya assume org lain pun begitu..]
Just now I said..wanna be SELFISH..[almost like that la..]..tapi skrg..saya rasa..TAK BAIK lak wat mesti kwn2 saya yg lain marah..[yang menyayangi saya la]..kata mereka saya KENE TEGAS...KENE BERKERAS....JANGAN BERLEMBUT...JANGAN CEPAT KESIAN...
tapi saya...mcm tak mampu nak wat semua tu.kenapa??sb saya mcm dah terdidik..bantu orang.senangkan orang.walaupun kdg2 mcm over...smp saya sndiri yg menanggung susah demi kesenangan org xpe...saya percaya Allah adil...hari ni pn DIA dah byk tlg saya...Alhamdulillah..
maka..saya rs..saya mahu jadi tegas,tak cepat kesian kt org...[tgk jenis2 org...utk org2 yg poyo,berlagak bagus,bajet bagus,bajet bagossss sgt2..rasanye lepas ni xde lagi budi bicara kot..]saya dh nekad..saye kene bertahan...bukan lama...sekejap je lagi..nt dh hbs belaja,insyaAllah xde lg hal2 cmni..harapnye..amin..
kepada wonderwall..tq sb paham saya.saya rindu awak..[mst ad org ckp..rindu pn nk tulis kt meh saya jawab.."suka hati aku la msg2...ko igt ko bagossss??=)))"] of ur text..
"abg ada untuk beby kan......"
yes...i know u always be with me tak kira saya betul atau salah...saya baik atau jahat....=)))
hurm...nk tdo..esok..i am a new mastura haji ariffin...insyaAllah..yg tegas..yg berani..yg susah nk kesian kt org [org2 tertentu shj]..=)))
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
It's a promise..being myself.No need to care about others..sebab belum tentu others will care about us..sometimes..
betul tak???
betul tak???
ABout 2.19am..MAstura..she's still being at her "study+work area" - meja yg bersepah bersebelahan katil yg sungguh enak mata memandang + mampu meng-ulit sesiapa saje hingga terlena..=))
What she's doing there at this time?finish up her report,doing her assignments,working on her all "extra-vaganza" projectssss??the answer is.....NOPE....she's doing nothing except just finish type 2 letters for her thesis project for JPN and PPD Perak..and do some editing on her ROS report yang banyak nak mati tu....
her feeling???She got a "good" feeling..everything is mix-up together...
ABout 2.19am..MAstura..she's still being at her "study+work area" - meja yg bersepah bersebelahan katil yg sungguh enak mata memandang + mampu meng-ulit sesiapa saje hingga terlena..=))
What she's doing there at this time?finish up her report,doing her assignments,working on her all "extra-vaganza" projectssss??the answer is.....NOPE....she's doing nothing except just finish type 2 letters for her thesis project for JPN and PPD Perak..and do some editing on her ROS report yang banyak nak mati tu....
her feeling???She got a "good" feeling..everything is mix-up together...
masalah besau yg paling susah nk hilang n buang oleh dia (which mean SAYA) adlh cepat mmg tk nmpak..mungkin tk tido sy tido sy sgt ter-ganggu smp kdg2 sy takut nk ms tido everything come to my me..
ni mslh kedua besau..saye rindukan mereka..MY FAMILY..tmbah2 bila sy slalu terpikir bulan puasa dh nk jd takut n mcm nak mcm biase..senyuman mampu buat org keliru..kite hepy..try hepykan diri..atau ada kesedihan and masalh dlm diri kita..yg pasti..hanya kita dan DIA tahu..~~
saya harap sgt...sem ni saya bertahan...saya harap sgt semni sy KUAT + TABAH...bunyik 13minggu je lagi nak lalui..........sgt sakit..kene sabar dgn kerenah org sekeliling...kene wat dek..kene kebal-kan hati supaya tk cepat terluka then terasa....insyaAllah..i can do it!!
wonderwall..i wish i can meet u..tak pun cmni..i wish u can visit me here..haha..i promise to perform best this semester...better than last sem hopefully..perhaps u always be by myside..i need every step in my life,wherever i go,whatever i do..i wish u can be here by me...=((
wonderwall..i wish i can meet u..tak pun cmni..i wish u can visit me here..haha..i promise to perform best this semester...better than last sem hopefully..perhaps u always be by myside..i need every step in my life,wherever i go,whatever i do..i wish u can be here by me...=((
wanna go bed..night..
Sunday, July 18, 2010
::"Lovely" Timetable::
The practical lab session timetable had been released just now..poor me..jadual itu macam nak mati and boleh wat org sakit jantung!!! PENUH a.k.a FULL...
ya ALLAH..Kau kene tolong aku...jauhi la diri ini dari diwarnai emosi dgn kaler2 yang striking...kalerkan lah ia dgn wrna yg[doa yg penuh metafora..]
ni jadual..
::Lecture Session free byk...::
::Practical Lab Session Timetable..jika diisi dlm jadual di atas..tak ke penuh mcm nak giler??huhu..::
The practical lab session timetable had been released just now..poor me..jadual itu macam nak mati and boleh wat org sakit jantung!!! PENUH a.k.a FULL...
ya ALLAH..Kau kene tolong aku...jauhi la diri ini dari diwarnai emosi dgn kaler2 yang striking...kalerkan lah ia dgn wrna yg[doa yg penuh metafora..]
ni jadual..
::Lecture Session free byk...::
::Practical Lab Session Timetable..jika diisi dlm jadual di atas..tak ke penuh mcm nak giler??huhu..::
Kesimpulannya..I need to be strong and selalu dekatkan diri dengan DIA je yg mampu and sanggup dgr segala rintihan dan masalah.kawan???mereka pn tensen jgk dgn mslh sdri sb mereka jgk students sm mcm saye..
syukur Tuhan bagi saya abah,adik,abang,kakak sekeluarga..
syukur jugak Tuhan bagi kenal dia, wonderwall saya..
syukur Tuhan sayang saya..
syukur Tuhan kerana menjaga saya..
hingga saya bertahan di sini hingga ke saat ini..
syukur itu hanya milikNya yang berkuasa...=)))
syukur Tuhan bagi saya abah,adik,abang,kakak sekeluarga..
syukur jugak Tuhan bagi kenal dia, wonderwall saya..
syukur Tuhan sayang saya..
syukur Tuhan kerana menjaga saya..
hingga saya bertahan di sini hingga ke saat ini..
syukur itu hanya milikNya yang berkuasa...=)))
Saturday, July 17, 2010
::...duhai pekan...::
I'm back again!!Yesszz...semakin hari smakin rajin update blog. Ini semua akibat sikap kemalasan melampau dan perasan semua kerja dan proposal mini projek dah siap.Tahniah Mastura!!!Nanti nest week menggelupur la kamu nk menjawab depan lec apa tajuk nk buat..hoho~~
Today is Saturday = Pasar Malam at Tanjung Malim,Perak.Dan aku..sbg seorang student yg baru dpt duit ptptn..apa lagi..turun padang memeriahkan acara membeli brg2 yg aku nak beli. [aku yg sgt susah bila dh dtg semangat..tiade sape dpt menghalang..huhu~~]
Hasil tangkapan di pasar malam yg sibuk bagai nk rak tu..aku berjaya mendapatkan 2 bijik beg..yg dua2 sesuai utk ke kuliah mahupun 2 helai tudung yg boleh dipakai utk menutup aurat..hehe..tidak lupa kepada housemate ter-chenta ASZMALINA yg mane telah membantu aku mndapatkan hasil tgkapan sebegini rupa sehinggakan beliau sdri pn mndapat hasil tgkapan yg sama beserta selipar yg dh lama aku idam2 kan dr sem nmpknye beliau yg memiliknya..haha..[sb aku rambang mata kt kdai tu td..nt mahu beli wedges lg..g dating nmpk la tinggi ckit...xde la org tu kate aku gemoks pendek..die ad kate ke??lalalalal~~..] -aku gemoks..nt keje la aku jd kurus..= tahun depan..insyaAllah..kikikiki~~-
jadi..entry kali ni adlh utk mengisahkan aktiviti aku "menderma" kepada penjual2 pasar malam Tanjung Malim.Semoga Allah murahkan lagi rezeki aku..amin..=)))
hurmm..this entry should stop 'ere..nak smbung tgk 27 dresses + siapkan repot ros jika rajin..harap2 siap by tomorrow..xnk tido mlm ni..yeah...~~hehe..
bye now..
I'm back again!!Yesszz...semakin hari smakin rajin update blog. Ini semua akibat sikap kemalasan melampau dan perasan semua kerja dan proposal mini projek dah siap.Tahniah Mastura!!!Nanti nest week menggelupur la kamu nk menjawab depan lec apa tajuk nk buat..hoho~~
Today is Saturday = Pasar Malam at Tanjung Malim,Perak.Dan aku..sbg seorang student yg baru dpt duit ptptn..apa lagi..turun padang memeriahkan acara membeli brg2 yg aku nak beli. [aku yg sgt susah bila dh dtg semangat..tiade sape dpt menghalang..huhu~~]
Hasil tangkapan di pasar malam yg sibuk bagai nk rak tu..aku berjaya mendapatkan 2 bijik beg..yg dua2 sesuai utk ke kuliah mahupun 2 helai tudung yg boleh dipakai utk menutup aurat..hehe..tidak lupa kepada housemate ter-chenta ASZMALINA yg mane telah membantu aku mndapatkan hasil tgkapan sebegini rupa sehinggakan beliau sdri pn mndapat hasil tgkapan yg sama beserta selipar yg dh lama aku idam2 kan dr sem nmpknye beliau yg memiliknya..haha..[sb aku rambang mata kt kdai tu td..nt mahu beli wedges lg..g dating nmpk la tinggi ckit...xde la org tu kate aku gemoks pendek..die ad kate ke??lalalalal~~..] -aku gemoks..nt keje la aku jd kurus..= tahun depan..insyaAllah..kikikiki~~-
jadi..entry kali ni adlh utk mengisahkan aktiviti aku "menderma" kepada penjual2 pasar malam Tanjung Malim.Semoga Allah murahkan lagi rezeki aku..amin..=)))
hurmm..this entry should stop 'ere..nak smbung tgk 27 dresses + siapkan repot ros jika rajin..harap2 siap by tomorrow..xnk tido mlm ni..yeah...~~hehe..
::point of view::---> saya tak memerlukan KL jauh skali shopping complex yg besau utk "menderma" duit saya..di pekan yg kecil pn boleh. Jadi jgn pndg sebelah mata kpd pekan yg kecil ini..=P
p/s::wonderwall..bestnye kamu dpt balik kg..=(::PEKAN YANG KECIK JANGAN DISANGKA TIADA GODAAN..apakah?hehe::
bye now..
::Sleeping Panic Attacks::
People,have you ever heard about Sleeping Panic Attacks?Its about a commonly symptom that attacks people as they are sleeping. Some people might be wake up with panic attacks in the middle of night. That is called Sleeping Panic Attacks.
Why suddenly I am excited to write down about this commonly symptom.Even it is just a symptom not a condition,it still also interrupt our 'rest-time'. All people might be exposed to this syndrome..including me.When??It was about last night..and the story [the rojak language will come]
I got a fever since last Tuesday,after came back from Genting Highland. And the fever kept continuing until yesterday. Imagine that..I am a girl that is rarely wake up late..[ye la jrg bgn lmbt]..I was wake up at 2.30pm..amazing u know. I can't sleep through out last night. I don't know what happen to me. I sleep but I was wake up about every hour.
But the most crazy thing that I wonder till today and right now is about that dream. It was a dream about two different houses. One the house at Melaka [why Melaka??I have no reasons for that] and another one is the house at Kelantan.[my hometown..but the old house that we had stay before].
I met my late mama in the dream.[Yes,I really2 miss her and I'm not deny if people would say that the dream happen because I am really miss her].But how about the others in the dream?There are so many people at rumah Melaka and Kelntan. What they do there?I
can't remember well..but..just one sentence from my abah in the dream..he said that.."ada orang nk dtg"..but who?I have no answer till today..
The dream not just stop at there.It kept continuing until last morning.As I wake up immediately,I found that my tears running down my cheeks.OMG what happened to me actually?Am I really2 miss my mama,abah,family and my wonderwall?So I got the quite weird dream. Thinking about the unclear dream will make us crazy.So,its better to stop now.
Then I search in internet about the gangguan during the sleeping time. Thanks God I found the answer.It is called sleeping panic attacks. That's normal and happened because of many factors such as keletihan,stress..being apart from loved one and loss of loved one..
So, the best therapy is..keep praying,recite the doa before sleep..and try to empty our mind when we start to sleep. Or I think we can also think of a nice sweet moment in our life so that we can have a sound sleep and a nice sweet dream. People out there,if you all share the same problem symptom as me,lets change our life. Always being positive and enjoy each second in our life. The most important now for me as a student [also for all my friends] not be STRESS..=))
People,have you ever heard about Sleeping Panic Attacks?Its about a commonly symptom that attacks people as they are sleeping. Some people might be wake up with panic attacks in the middle of night. That is called Sleeping Panic Attacks.
Why suddenly I am excited to write down about this commonly symptom.Even it is just a symptom not a condition,it still also interrupt our 'rest-time'. All people might be exposed to this syndrome..including me.When??It was about last night..and the story [the rojak language will come]
I got a fever since last Tuesday,after came back from Genting Highland. And the fever kept continuing until yesterday. Imagine that..I am a girl that is rarely wake up late..[ye la jrg bgn lmbt]..I was wake up at 2.30pm..amazing u know. I can't sleep through out last night. I don't know what happen to me. I sleep but I was wake up about every hour.
But the most crazy thing that I wonder till today and right now is about that dream. It was a dream about two different houses. One the house at Melaka [why Melaka??I have no reasons for that] and another one is the house at Kelantan.[my hometown..but the old house that we had stay before].
I met my late mama in the dream.[Yes,I really2 miss her and I'm not deny if people would say that the dream happen because I am really miss her].But how about the others in the dream?There are so many people at rumah Melaka and Kelntan. What they do there?I
can't remember well..but..just one sentence from my abah in the dream..he said that.."ada orang nk dtg"..but who?I have no answer till today..
The dream not just stop at there.It kept continuing until last morning.As I wake up immediately,I found that my tears running down my cheeks.OMG what happened to me actually?Am I really2 miss my mama,abah,family and my wonderwall?So I got the quite weird dream. Thinking about the unclear dream will make us crazy.So,its better to stop now.
Then I search in internet about the gangguan during the sleeping time. Thanks God I found the answer.It is called sleeping panic attacks. That's normal and happened because of many factors such as keletihan,stress..being apart from loved one and loss of loved one..
So, the best therapy is..keep praying,recite the doa before sleep..and try to empty our mind when we start to sleep. Or I think we can also think of a nice sweet moment in our life so that we can have a sound sleep and a nice sweet dream. People out there,if you all share the same problem symptom as me,lets change our life. Always being positive and enjoy each second in our life. The most important now for me as a student [also for all my friends] not be STRESS..=))
Friday, July 16, 2010
This entry is dedicate to my wonderwall..It is special for you because you mean everything to me..=))
The time flies so fast..
From a small boy turn to a man tough..
Always cry when had no breakfast..
But now you can find more than enough..
26yrs being in this nice world..
Step by step move to forward..
Not even care all the people's words..
Because he knows he can survive with a sword..
My wonderwall you mean everything to me..
Knowing you is such a beautiful nice moment to be..
You taught me many things people need..
And now I know money is nothing to me..
My wonderwall always wipe out my tears..
Always sing and make me smile big to the ears..
I cant imagine to live without you by here..
I might be become blind because cry for forever..
My wonderwall is also my hang tuah..
Kasih sygnye sntiase melimpah ruah..
Cicit cik Siti Wan Kembang sungguh beruntung bertuah..
Punya teman baik itulah si Hang Tuah..
Walau sntiase merajuk buat muka..
Tp die tetap maintain jauh sekali mencuka..
Syukur sgt Tuhan bg kenal dia..
Kalau org lain tentu kene lempang dah lama..[hehe]
Cicit cik Siti cucu Hang Tuah..
Berkasih syg suke bermadah..
Walaupun geli terasa nak muntah..
Tp tetap tulis tak sudah-sudah..
"Happy Birthday" I wish to you..
Hope that Allah bless is always be with you..
I always dream to live with you..
That is the sign that I really Love You..
Happy Birthday Dear..=))
ayat2 di atas sgt biau blog..suke hati saye la..tak suke jgn bc..hehe..=))
p/s::I Love You::
This entry is dedicate to my wonderwall..It is special for you because you mean everything to me..=))
The time flies so fast..
From a small boy turn to a man tough..
Always cry when had no breakfast..
But now you can find more than enough..
26yrs being in this nice world..
Step by step move to forward..
Not even care all the people's words..
Because he knows he can survive with a sword..
My wonderwall you mean everything to me..
Knowing you is such a beautiful nice moment to be..
You taught me many things people need..
And now I know money is nothing to me..
My wonderwall always wipe out my tears..
Always sing and make me smile big to the ears..
I cant imagine to live without you by here..
I might be become blind because cry for forever..
My wonderwall is also my hang tuah..
Kasih sygnye sntiase melimpah ruah..
Cicit cik Siti Wan Kembang sungguh beruntung bertuah..
Punya teman baik itulah si Hang Tuah..
Walau sntiase merajuk buat muka..
Tp die tetap maintain jauh sekali mencuka..
Syukur sgt Tuhan bg kenal dia..
Kalau org lain tentu kene lempang dah lama..[hehe]
Cicit cik Siti cucu Hang Tuah..
Berkasih syg suke bermadah..
Walaupun geli terasa nak muntah..
Tp tetap tulis tak sudah-sudah..
"Happy Birthday" I wish to you..
Hope that Allah bless is always be with you..
I always dream to live with you..
That is the sign that I really Love You..
Happy Birthday Dear..=))
ayat2 di atas sgt biau blog..suke hati saye la..tak suke jgn bc..hehe..=))
p/s::I Love You::
It's about a week I am in semester 7..mean that I am in the final year of my study.Dear fast time flies..I am now the 4th year student. With Allah's will by end of this year I will leave this "suffer planet" and doing my practical in where?not mentioned yet. I hope the practical area open included Malacca..[kegedikan bermula..=)))]..but I have my own reasons why I really hope that Melaka will be one of the area for the practical being held..hehe..
Sem ini juga sgt kritikal.subjek2 sume killer.Most of the mini projects that should be done make me wonder..I am going to be a teacher.Not a doctor even a scientist.But why should we run all those kind of macam tak masuk akal susah nk mati punya projek??Dear us to run through all these things..
Ooops..lupa nk citer.Supposed to citer dlu kegembiraan sblm citer aura2 keserabutan ke-stress-san segala tu..last tuesday was a GIRL'S DAY OUT..we went to Genting Higlands..hehe..yg ni nt citer at another entry..=)) this week,there is a birthday of a person that I really love in my life..14th July 2010..Happy 26th Birthday My pn sy rs nk wat entry khas...[giler rajin..haha]
Erm..feel like should stop here.Aura mengantuk dh dtg..sakit kepala,this entry is stop here then..bye now~~
It's about a week I am in semester 7..mean that I am in the final year of my study.Dear fast time flies..I am now the 4th year student. With Allah's will by end of this year I will leave this "suffer planet" and doing my practical in where?not mentioned yet. I hope the practical area open included Malacca..[kegedikan bermula..=)))]..but I have my own reasons why I really hope that Melaka will be one of the area for the practical being held..hehe..
Sem ini juga sgt kritikal.subjek2 sume killer.Most of the mini projects that should be done make me wonder..I am going to be a teacher.Not a doctor even a scientist.But why should we run all those kind of macam tak masuk akal susah nk mati punya projek??Dear us to run through all these things..
Ooops..lupa nk citer.Supposed to citer dlu kegembiraan sblm citer aura2 keserabutan ke-stress-san segala tu..last tuesday was a GIRL'S DAY OUT..we went to Genting Higlands..hehe..yg ni nt citer at another entry..=)) this week,there is a birthday of a person that I really love in my life..14th July 2010..Happy 26th Birthday My pn sy rs nk wat entry khas...[giler rajin..haha]
Erm..feel like should stop here.Aura mengantuk dh dtg..sakit kepala,this entry is stop here then..bye now~~
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
::Talking About Family::
Pagi ini sungguh bkn itu yg sy nak cerita.What i am going to write is about..Haji Ariffin's Clan..hehe..why?sb esok sy dh nk bertolak ke planet derita.Jadi entry ni khas utk kenang org2 yg sy syg sepenuh jiwa raga bakul saya..~~~
My Abah..::Haji Ariffin Bin Ibrahim::..a great father in the world..garang+penyayang+tegas+serius..sume ada..married to My Mama..::Puan Jawias Binti Adam::..dulu sy kompius dgn nama mama saya..sometimes i spell it yg sengal zmn dulu kala...skrg mama dh pergi..mama sgt contrast kot dgn abah.mama talkative,abah pendiam..mama tak grg,abah grg sy syg dua...[haruslah...wajib!!!]
I got 8 siblings dh meninggal 2 org kerana accident..Al-Fatihah..jadi,tgal lg 6..3 boys+3 girls..and i am the youngest princess..lalalalal~~hah..ha~~..these are my siblings...
- Roehidzam Safuan
- Zurainee
- Vivi Irma
- Ihsan
- Mastura
- Hafiz
Abg tua saya..Roehidzam a.k.a Abe Je..married to a Kak Na..they have berapa ek ingat..kene list down dlu.
- Azrul Azran
- Fakhrul Radzif
- Farrah Hani
- Ikram Hakimi
- Mohd Danish
5 org!!sgt ramai..dorg sume pn dh bsr skrg~~
Kakak sy..Zurainee a.k.a Kak Nim..married to Abg Amir..they got 3 kids..
- Adib Iman
- Aqil Iman
- Adlina Iman
3 org..adib br form 1..sekolah maahad muhammadi..aqil stdrd 6 and dikna stdrd 5..=))
Kakak sy..Vivi Irma a.k.a Kak Bi..married to Abg Nan..a thailand person.nama thai die sgt pelik..Arduena Baraheng..nama kt cni..Adnan Ibrahim..nth la nama..kene g tny kedutaan..tny kt kedutaan ke??haha..they got only 2 daughters...
- Fiffy Ardiela
- Fiffy Amiera
My Ihsan..a.k.a Tang..baru je kawin setahun dgn Kak Iena..dorg xde baby lg..mybe next year..xsbr nk ada ank buah maen dgn bdk kecik..
Myself...Mastura...still studying..xkawen lg..might be in nxt 2years..[ye sgt..haha]..sgt kejam kdg2..and till now hidup dgn dunia sdri..xpnh kesah org len..jnji die hepy je..itu sgt penting!!!skrg,slalu berangan nk jd isteri hang tuah..[kdg2 otak putus fius..berangan yg bukan2..hehe]
::kdg2 ke-tidak-waras-an sering melanda budak nih..gmbr ni di snap oleh azilah nazri ms kitorg ke 'korea'..haha..::
My beloved adik..Hafiz..still studing at KIST..sgt kdg2 grg..nth syg sume..wlpn adik kdg2 grg dgn sy tahu..die syg pn syg die..[ayat bdk kecik]..=)) yr insyaAllah ktorg dua dh abes blaja..amin..=)) syg sume Haji Ariffin's Clan....
p/s::hari ni sy dh jatuh hati pada Caldina..omg..wlpn ia dh ak yg br tau kewujudan agknye leh beli..mahu belaja lg rajin2!!![smgt yg aneh..haha]
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Salam bukak kata mcm biasa..
Tangan rs gatal nk main dgn kata..
Otak dh penat wat repot ros segala..
Di sini je la tmpt meluah semua rasa..
Sb nk cerita org xde nk dgr kata..
Lusa nk berangkat ke bumi derita..
Tmpat byk kisah duka dari suka..
Hati niat nk belaja musuh tiada..
Tp still ad jgk yg nk cr bala..
Tp itu sume kesah dulu kala..
Zaman budak berhingus dan bertaik mata..
Skrg mereka pn dh hlg nth ke mana..
Hrp jgn kembali bertemu mata..
Bukan gerun tp tkut ter-sidekick sebijik kt kepala..
Sebelum blabuh di negeri derita..
Sgah dlu di rumah my sister..
Mahu jmpe anak2 saudara..
Yg jrg sekali pulang ke kg terchenta..
Jmpa dgn dorg mst ketawa meriah..
Berbual smp pagi tk sudah2..
Sabtu mahu jumpa "Hang Tuah"..
Untuk ubat hati yg gundah..
Rasa nak makan gula2 kapas..
Berjalan jauh kaki pun kebas..
Sungguh geli n gedik rangkap di atas..
Tp let it be sb statement itu berasas..
Sedang tgu reply pesanan..
Tp xde satu pun yg terpempan..
Apakah gelombang putus kt tgh jalan..
Nak kol mls kredit pn ckup2 makan..
Wahai wonderwall ke mana kamu..
Kamu igt best ke sy menunggu..
Tp xpe kalo kamu dh pindah ke alam luar sedarmu..
Pg esok saje kite 'btemu'..
Dua je kemgkinan yg bertamu..
Sama ada kamu tdo atau main game dgn sepupu..
Ap nth yg best dgn bola itu..
Kejar tunggang terbalik utk bola yang satu..
Atau mgkin sy je yg tak tau..
Oh mata kesian kamu..
Begitu juga jari jemariku..
Stop writing should i do..
So that i can have my sweet dream too...
::future thought::
Assalamualaikum..[mood rajin..eja penuh..=))]
Kepala rasa berserabut..hati mcm susah..tak tenang..kenapa?sebab baru lepas bc 2 perkara td..
Tadi ter-singgah d blog IJAT..terbaca 1 cerita berita tentang ini..UPSI..dan hati menjadi sgt ye lah..rezeki d tangan Allah..kite usaha..lagipun aku sendiri still tk jelas dgn propaganda segala bagai ni..harap2 ada rezeki dan murah rezeki d masa depan nt..amin..
Hikayat ini bukan aku punya..
Tapi terbaca di satu muka..
Tentang insan yang aman bahagia..
Tp kenapa masalah still ada..
Aku bukan budak lagi..
Jadi senang utk aku pahami..
Mengapa susah muka manis diberi..
Hanya untuk insan yang disayangi..
Penat lelah die bekerja..
Siang malam tak penah berkira..
Kenapa perlu nk buat muka..
Hargailah die seadanya..
Kalau bukan kerana dia..
Anda mgkin tak punya apa..
Bukan niat saya menyibuk segala..
Tp sy geram tidak terkira..
Maka terciptalah segala kata-kata..
Rasanya smpai di sini sahaja..
Sudah habis kata di tinta..
Harap2 lah berubah segala..
Kerana dia org kesayangan saya..
Seperti mana zmn dulu kala..
Jaga dia,hormat dia,syg dia sebaik-baiknya..
p/s::abaikan kemerapuan di atas..[utk kisah kedua] tktau nape jari sy mengetuk2 keyboard..lalu terhasil pkataan2 itu..sungguh..tak tipu!!
Friday, July 2, 2010
::Nice Moment with Them::
ROS sudah abes..officially end by yesterday.skrg mahu edit repot..xnk bz dgn thesis bukak sem ni..=))
tp kenapa rs kekurangan bila bangun pagi2..duk kt umah je xkuar?rs mcm xde students..haha..giler kan..baru 2minggu jadi teacher trainee dah kene badi ke apa.xboleh hidup tanpa students..walaupun dorg ada segelintir yang rajin,hormat guru2..
teringat mase tolong mili running thesis project dia.tajuk MITOSIS MEIOSIS concept map.mase tu rasa mcm nak pecah kepala.macam every single seconds,the students keep asking this and that.ada yg xmalu bertanya,ada yg maen aci redah je jawab..ada yg buat muka..[mcm kite dolu2]..
cikgu,chiasmata tu apa?cikgu,apa maksud purpose?cikgu..mitosis dengan meiosis II sama ke tak..sama kt mane?cikgu..crossing over bila?cikgu..cytokinesis dulu ke telophase??cikgu..itu...cikgu ini...cikgu ni yg mane jawapan dia??[ada jugak terus tny jawapan rs cm nk hempuk..hehe]
masa ganti kelas Cikgu Nik pulak..ak dh berjaye goreng antara ayat yg aku gune utk budak2 nakal yg malas wat keje..
"Cikgu tak kisah kalau awak tak nak buat.Tapi cikgu Nik pesan kat cikgu,soalan past year ni akan di-ambil markah untuk di add up dalam ujian kamu baru2 ni.markah kamu teruk,jadi die nk baiki.tak leh htr arini sila htr mingu depan hari ahad.."
miliey,bella and ain terkebil2 kat antara dorg yg hmpir pecaya..haha..padahal aku goreng..kikik..
k la..mcm lengkap kalau xde pics..=)))
::MPP smkpc 1..budak ni ada talent jd cikgu..gaya ckp die..non-stop..hehe::
::St John Girls::
::PBSM Girls::
::Saya Cikgu Mastura::
::Me,Myself and I::
p/s::mode::malas nk start new xsbr nk balik kajang..nak jumpa dia..=)))
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