Thursday, April 29, 2010



Alhamdulillah..He heard my voice..He heard my pray..He helps me for everything..

berjaya mengharungi panels of the day..=)

till tk sbr nk g ngedate..[ngeng..hehe]..=)..sykur..dah lepas...


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

::debaran hari esok::


no words to say..just a good luck wish for the proposal presentation session tomorrow..Dear Lord, permudahkan la segala urusan hamba-Mu ini, lancarkan pertuturan lisanku, bukak-kan hati aku serta akal-ku untuk menghadapi semua persoalan nanti..lembutkan juga hati mereka-mereka untuk paham dan terima apa yg aku buat..amin...[sgt risau ok..=)]

::bukan propose yg ni..salah ltk gmbr..hehe::
::ni proposal yg supposed to do..hehe..=)::

::and this is all biologist selagi xlepas 29hb..esok!!!sume bercelaru..yeah..hehe::

till then..hope everything will running smooth...hopefully...amin...



Tuesday, April 27, 2010

::..of preparing proposal presentation..::


just one day left for me..for us..for we all..preparing the fyp proposal to be present on this 29th April dearie friends..

  • azilah
  • iena
  • asz
  • ain golek
  • syarifah amaliena
  • afifah
  • melati desa
  • miliey moliey
  • ijat asni
  • bell
  • liza
  • dee
  • and all biologist..all the best..

and special wish to all my "partners"..[should call it partner?not partner kwn2 yg share the same "BEST" panels of the day la..hehe]..gudluck.insyaAllah kite perform well..and our proposal will be dengan senang hati tanpa byk soalnye accepted..AMIN........

k..mahu siapkan slides...

p/ latest tak berapa nak ada..huhu..susahnye..sape tau n pernah terbaca journal on developing learning laboratory modul, learning using hands on inform me..kerjasama anda amat di-alu-alu-kan..=)

p/s2::wonderwall..wonderwall..wonderwall..[motif tulis..??sesaje..nama die berhak ada kt cni..hehe..=)]

till then,bye now..


Monday, April 26, 2010

::two more left::


2 more left..dah tak banyak kan?sekejap melalui hari ini..nk melepasi waktu 4.30 ptg td..hanya DIA yang maha tahu..nak muntah..pening kepala..bejalan pun cm org tk hanyut gagah..tetap gagah dan gigih habiskan paper arini..[ye la..dh wajib..kl leh wat pilihan,xde la aku nk menyeksa diri dr semalam..=(]

dan hari ini..first time ever in my life..sejak dari zaman sekolah..mahupun dr tadika lagi..TIDO MASA EXAM..hah.........satu kerja gila yg aku tak pernah terpikir nk wat..mmg tk sengaja td..pagi paper GENETIC yg macam...mcm......xtau nk ckp..salah aku kot xstdy rs mcm dh bc n paham sume still xleh jwb genetic la aku dgn jayanye ber-pindah ke alam luar sedar..dan mmg tnpa sedar..nsb bek aku sedar tu the time left byk lg..sempat lg la wat cross-cross segala bagai tu..

and at 10 to 15mins last, ak perasan question 5 tak di-sentuh lagi.even 1 titik dakwat pun tk ter-conteng di situ. kenapa?sebab aku tak paham dia nak apa..dia nak apa sebenarnya?differentiate of the four crosses..genotype die sama..phenitype die jd tak sama?apakah??ke aku xbc habes..then dgn laju n yakin-nya aku tulis jek..apa dia?sume aku tulis..relate dgn allele yg bwk gene code..mutation yg ubah phenotype tp genotype tk diubah..[ada ke??mmg aku goreng..huhu]..jnji sume dijawab..itu aim ketika itu..susah..susah..sgt susah..=(

dan ptg..plant physiology..eventhough ada jgk yg aku skip stdy tp masuk..[eg::plant hormone..ripening..etc..aku masih boleh "goreng"]..huk3..sgt teruk paper2 arini..seperti dpt bygkan pointer sem ni..=(

ckuplah..malas mahu tulis...sedih..huhuhu..n td wnderwall kol tny nk g klinik tk..sbnrnye mmg rs nk demam n xpelah..masih blh ber-tahan..tq wnderwall..terharu saya..=P

ok..stop now..bye~~


Saturday, April 24, 2010

::four more left::


back again to write down what i feel..what i want..

there are 4more left. today is ecology day.what can I say..Alhamdulillah..but there are few..not few..some kot..or one or two questions I cant answer well.why??first, I cant recall what I had memorize due to the "little migrain" melanda ketika jwb paper td..kenapa smpai jd migrain masa exam?semua berpunca dr diri saya sendiri..

Saya tidak cukup tidur.

takperlu cerita detail why n how it happen.[sb mlm ni mls nk tulis jgk sb I LOVE WRITING]..------> jd sesiapa rasa rimas dgn entry2 kt blog sy and mgkin ad yg berfikiran cmni:: sume benda nk tulis..mcm la die femes..mcm la org bc...
haha..its ok then..jnji sy puas..kl sy tulis n ad yg xsuke..jgn la bc ye tak??hehe..senang je teori hidup..=)

oooppss...melalut pulak paragraph ats ni..based on dolu2 punye experience blog..tulis mcm2 org terasa..marah..mengata..pelik btul..xpelah..apa2 pun..first time msuk blog ni or mn2 blog..tgk tuan pnye blog ad tulis pesanan apa2 tk..kat ats..bwh..tepi kiri kanan..hehe..~~

ha..nk ckp..I hope paper plant physio I can perform well. sebab saya tak menaruh harapan sgt pada genetic...entah kenapa..jauh sekali kimia.....huuuuuuu......seraaam..

p/s::kalau ikut hati..selalu mahu give up bila kite kene igt..Allah sntiasa ad ngn kite..usaha setakat mampu..n pegi mintak kat DIA..DIA pasti dgr..kerana setiap jnjiNya pasti tertunai..amin..=)


Friday, April 23, 2010

::five more left::


Alhamdulillah..lepas 1 paper..there 5 more papers to tough and strong mastura..

tadi paper Research Method..quite complicated and boring subject for this sem ok la..what can I say for the questions is..Alhamdulillah..I can answer well but just only for the second question of the structured question..the decriptive statistical analysis first I read the question..I feel BLURR..tak ingat apa2..and sgt rs nak nanges sebenarnye..dh la aircond kt Taman U tu mcm nk bunuh org..sejuk nak mati!!!!

but I try to calm myself..selawat2 ckit..recall what I read and learn before..then syukur..thanks GOD..kembalikan ingatan yg hilang jap td..hehe..hilang ke??terlupa sebenarnya..masa tu the time left is 20mins kot..part A dh re-check xpuas hati..nk re-check lg..[habit dr sekolah..check byk kali..n jwpn yg ditukar pn byk kali gk..sgt bhy ye habit dlu ms paper anatomy sy tukar essay..pdhl the first answer dh nsb bek jgk dpt A..syukur..Allah masih syg..=)]..

and..after get the ideas [pertolongan dr DIA la maknanya]..terus je sy bila dh htr sy br teringat..saya terlupa nk compare between boys and girls punya decribe je the statistical sy dh state it is homogenous since the sd value is lower than mean..and bla..bla..bla..harap2 Dr bermurah hati bg jgk fullmark for that nk dpt A research method..huhu~~

dan sepatutnya I supposed to read and memorize all those things for ecology now. esok paper eco. sabtu pn kene g exam..haila..upsi..xpelah..i love upsi..[tetiba jek..kite kene syg tmpt kite di situ adanya keberkatan kita.-Dr Shakinaz-]..hehe..

ok la..mahu score esok dgn jayanya..insyaAllah..sem ni mmg kene kuat..and 29th April..itu lagi seram menanti..research proposal presentation event..event kah itu??aku je yg pgil bg nmpk cool n enjoy ckit walau hakikatnya tuhan je tau bakal bersengkang mata menyiapkan slide dan fikir idea utk defend projek masing2..ya tuhan,permudahkanlah segala urusan aku d mana shj aku berada..amin..

should stop now..nk se-ta-di..hehe..

p/s::2, 3 hari ni..sgt n amat jarang msg wonderwall..mlm die penat..and sy pg2 dh dpt dgr suara die membebel suruh sy mmg bgn sy akn akan sy dh dewasa..[ad kaitan ke??hehe]

p/sII::hrp2 my proposal will be accepted...sgt risau jg tntg itu..=)



Wednesday, April 21, 2010

::bila duniawi mengatasi ukhrawi::


what a bad, worst and hectic day..but it was obviously my fault..again MY FAULT..stay up at night until 5am..studying and focusing on plant physiology..[not really focus sebenarnye..byk melalut..]..and the times goes..

photobiology....involves photoreceptor..caretenoid separates to xantophylls and lutein....

[then..bunyik msj..bukak..bc..ok..wnderwall..then reply..]

contnue..phycobilin consist of phycoerythrin, phycocyarin, allophycocyarin..and one more phycothrome for the photomorphogenesis..absorb light energy..P660 and P735..bla..bla...

[msj lagik..reply lg..hati tgh tahan sbr gk rs nk off je fon sbnrnye..itu sb rindu..teruskan jgk..] ----> sgt giler!!

then cntinue for the other rest photoreceptor..crytochrome..betacyanins..then now..the part that i quite not really like..PHOTOSYNTHESIS..sound simple..but it has too much process..huhu..and start slowly..absorption of light...bla......bla.......bla.....the sieve effect, lens effect, light guide effect....then..the stoma consist of two..germinaseus and elliptic..the differents are......bla..bla..

[msj lagi....haila........stop it mastura..and tell him i have lot of things to read and memorize..and thanks GOD he always understand him..=P]

then[tb2 jek nyanyi]..then its 5..mata dh ngntuk...tdo..zzzzzz

tgk2.....mak!!!!!!!!!!!!11am...forgive me please My Lord..astagfirullah..

::moral of the story::
study should be directly proportional to the relationship with Allah..sgt rs mmg burn n terlepas cmtu je pg td..sepatutnya ak tunggu until 6..sejam je lgpun..nasb bek DIA bg pinjam nyawa lg..kalau tak..'pergi' dlm keadaan solat tertinggal..huk..then abg kol..i mean wnderwall..kene marah free..padan muka saya..sape suruh tak sedar..

ok pn dh hbs byk ms..mau tgk plant physio again..sblm mlm ni move on TSR..huhu~~


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

::just words::


just wanna share a few words i got from one of my friends blog..she wrote these...

In the course of seeking Imu, you need to maintain good relationship with the followings:
1. Allah. He is the owner of the sciences knowledge.
2. Teacher. He is the medium of imparting knowledge to you
3. Parents. Their doa is mustajab to you
4. People surrounding you such as your class friends, roommates. Take care of their right.

Don’t forget what is your niyyat when you study..this is the essence of your amal..

Then you leave this matter to Allah..He will decide what is best for you..

ok..sangat familiar with all those of advices..just share with others and i wish good luck and all the best for all my friends who will face the exam in two days coming..hope that Allah will give us the best and semua usaha kita diberkati-Nya..amin..

till then..bye now..




just know one word right now..that is RINDU..kat abah, mama, abg, kakak and adik..bila boleh balik??td br tgk blog org rindu kenangan dulu..dan yang terbaik hanya satu..tiada siapa layak ganti..even datang puteri, bidadari dari kayangan pun..permaisuri di hati hanya mama sorg saje..

mood tersentuh..emosi rapuh..air mata me tonight..please be strong..yes, i will..but it is too hurt..sometimes i can stand no more..jika ada doremon, sy mintak dua benda je..mesin masa dan pintu suka hati..mesin masa..agar dpt kembali ke zaman dulu..pintu suka hati agar sesuka hati sy mahu ke mana jumpa org yg sy rindu dan itu hny angan budak yg tak kan jadi kenyataan..

sekarang....dh dewasa..kene berdikari..sakit kena ubatkan sendiri..sedih menangis sekaligus pujuk diri sendiri..marah tenangkan hati sendiri..rindu...cari penyembuhnya sendiri..semua sendiri..dah lama rasa tak bermanja..dah lama rasa tak mengadu..dah lama rasa tak meluah..rindu pada mama tiada siapa tahu...

mama......teringat dulu bila balik cuti ke..mst kita bebual mcm2..dan kalau tak balik pun hampir hari2 kita becakap..rindu......sgt rindu......


Monday, April 19, 2010

::sedar diri a.k.a meng-insafi::


tiba2..perasaan menyampah itu muncul..ditambah dgn meluat..Ya Allah..jauhkan la hatiku dengan semua perasaan ini..aku tak ingin sesat dan lupa pada Mu..dan peliharalah aku dr bersikap demikian seperti mereka..too much..lupa daratan..lupa asal usul..lupa pengorbanan..hanya kerana dunia...peliharankan aku dan ahli keluargaku..amin...

rindu abah..rindu mama..
rindu adik beradik..
rs mahu nanges ingat pengorbanan abah..mama..
abah kerja..penat lelah untuk kesenangan kami..
harap2 hati ini tak kan pernah lupa segala pengorbanan abah..mama..
dan harap2 kami dpt balas segala jasa di satu saat yg dah tak lama pun lagi..insyaAllah~~
dan kami tak lupa d mana kami berpijak..
tidak angkuh...tidak sombong..
tidak hilang peribadi..tidak berlagak..
hanya menjadi kami..
seperti mana asal kami.....

quite merapu for those yg taktau perasaan aku ms tulis entry let it be..janji aku puas..k mahu tdo..bye~~


Sunday, April 18, 2010

::kerana saya adalah Mastura::


Alhamdulillah..that the only word throw out from my mouth as I finished 2 chapters out of 10 of the ecology subject. what happen to the other 8 chapters? I hope I can finish it by tonight? It sounds quite crazy actually..yes..I know.. read 10 chapters in a day sekali dengan hafal segala bagai yang ada..but what can I do??Its my fault maybe..not prepare deserve it..huk~~

As I am studying..I actually really hate [most tend to -do not like-] people talk to me. Sound like poyos?? Whatever..its myself..I feel disturbed as I am reading and trying to understand and memorize evrything else in my notes and a people just come to me and telling anything that is not related on academic..even my wonderwall msg me....but I am lucky..he is understand me..thats why I love him..[tetiba jek jd entry gedik di sini..haha]

I dont know how do people judge me regarding on my study way..but I feel comfort and easy with my dear people..every people..I am sorry if I neglect you sometimes when I am reading, writing and abything related to doing and working on academic thing..really sorry..I have no niat to do that..but please do respect me too..I need my own time to focus..because exam is an individual evaluation..everyone must struggle to perform best..please understand me..I know everyone also share the same thought as me..focus when studying..that is the most important element when the word study comes..

oopss..jadi ter-panjang pulak entry ni..tak put in the pics of my activity for today..[hasilnya sebenarnye..hehe..utk di-abadikan d cni..]..

::se-jam pertama..masih blurr dgn tajuk2 ::

::se-jam ke berapa nth..bukak nota..xjmp cr dlm buku..mastura2..cmne nth blh xjmpe..hoho..::

::5.30 ptg lbh kurang..inilah hasilnye..sgt buruk tulisan..ya Allah..kau tajamkan akal fikiranku supaya segala apa yg tertulis d kertas ini kekal dlm igtn ku dan dpt digunakan ms exam nnt..amin..=)::

ok la...dh jd pnjg lak..should stop now..

p/s::dear guys still can talk even msg me when I am studying..but hope that the thing that have to talk and discuss to is quite important la..kasihanilah saya..kerana saya hlg fokus bila ad org jgn slh tak sombong..dan sy masih blh dgr lagu bl sy stdy..beza lagu dgn people talk..mmg berbeza..hehehee



::..impian saya satu hari nanti..::


mini library or large fulled bookshelves. that is a thing that i wish i can have it. when??when i get my own salary and perhaps my own home. mybe next 3 or 4 years..i hope..insyaAllah..maybe this wish thing is quite bored for anyone yang mmg tak berminat and takde minat terhadap buku..maksud aku minat kumpul aku, ada masalah ke dgn org yg tak berminat??hehe..[merapu je tulis..]

tp mmg dr kecik hobi aku..hobi ke??suka kumpul buku. even sampai sekarang, buku2 sekolah rendah aku masih elok..cuma ada yg duk dalam kotak dan tersusun mcm tu saje..tak terletak elok d rak..sebab tak muat..

jadi..aku slalu memasang impian..bila dh ada umah sendiri nt..[sgt suka fikir future..haha]..aku nak wat mini library..kat situ nt blh jd tmpt lepak bila bosan..blh bc buku..and nak beli buku2 yg skrg ni aku xmampu beli pakai duit aku sdri sb skrg..aku tak berduit banyak..hehe~~

::mini library cmni la yg aku impikan..mcm best jek..boleh lepak bc buku..and kalo boleh aku nak buh mcm2 version buku kt mini lib tu[sgt tak sbr tgu impian ni jd nyata]::

::haaa..yg mcm ni pun blh jek..masuh je umah..ada 1 ruang..dr bwh dinding smpai siling..penuh buku...alangkah syoknye ketika itu..msti chantek...::

rasanye tu je la kot setakat ini impian aku untuk rumah aku satu hari nanti..skrg..tumpang umah abah tersayang dulu..sebab di situ la aku membesar..belajar melangkah..kenal apa itu hidup..mana mungkin sesenang itu aku lupakan rumah di mana penuh dgn kasih sayang yg tiada tndingannya..

ok la..mau sambung bc week dh nak exam...



Friday, April 16, 2010

::study mode::


sangat busy......mood study dh dtg..syukur Alhamdulillah..wish me luck for this sem..sem yg sesungguhnya amat seram....dan penat....


Thursday, April 15, 2010

::suka hati lah!!::


terase hati..makan hati..jauh hati..

salah saya eh??ok..memang perlu ke wat smpai cmtu sekali??

perlu eh??ok..buat lah..

malas dh nk pikir apa2..malas nk kesah..boleh?? [sgt susah nk wat cmni]

takleh ke anda paham situasi saya??

ye..saya saya tak abaikan kamu..nape yg jadi sebaliknya pulak??

apakah semua ni??ujian??saje nk test kesabaran??

ok...buat lah suka hati kamu..


p/s::malas dh nak pikir..penat..n sakit




sgt xde ms nk update bz..sgt bz..smlm baru proposal sy di-approve-kan..hopefully ms viva everything running smooth and the proposal will be accepted by all the panels....bukan senang nk paham kan orang supaya paham apa yg kita nak buat..

ok..aim arini mau study genetics..sgt more word risau from now...USAHA n SEMANGAT...=)


~~budak dlm gmbr ni sgt kejam ~~

p/s::wonderwall..saya sgt mintak maaf..saya mgkin tak mcm org tau sy kejam bila bab study..saya nk fokus..saya xnk org kaco jauh sekali bila sy bosan n tepu stdy sy nak pulak org layan saya..hiburkan sy syg sgt kat awak..awk jgn amik hati ye...huk~~

::budak kejam::

Friday, April 9, 2010



sepanjang undergraduated biology symposium last week...

::first day..prepare all those posters..and lepak2 kat audi waiting for the launching ceremony..::

::third day..sempat pose kat group hui kot ni..lupa..they had such a nice poster and samples there..baguss!!::

::still on the third day..kat tangga audi pn jd ngn budak2 ni..sgt best mereka2 ini..=)::

::my team..traditional knowledge of herb garden plant..=)::

::being a presenter on the second day..such a nice experience..speaking in front of the public..and answer the quite killer questions from the panel2 yg menyeramkan d bwh..hehe..::

::amek makanan..sape nth amek gmbr ni..hehe::

::lastly..after mkn..smbil tgu nk smbung presentation from other groups..sgt gumuk saya skrg..gumuk kerana bhgia atau sakit?? xnyusahkan org pn..jgn ad org kaco hidup sy sudah...[tb2 jek..hehehe]::

ok..sekian..mau re-check proposal..sgt takot...



Thursday, April 8, 2010

::only you, my love::


ABAH...saya rindu dan sayang ABAH sangat2...saya nak balik..nak cium tangan ABAH..ABAH..I LOVE YOU...

ABAH..again..I LOVE YOU..thats all..


Sunday, April 4, 2010

::diwarnai emosi yg haru kelabu::


xtau nape sgt moody dh wat sy rs nak lempang sepak terajang org..mungkin sb saya terlalu org len pn penat byk sgt benda sy nk pikir..and the worst is..[worst harap2 Allah permudahkan segala2 nya...panel viva proposal saya!!!saya dpt org yg paling sy taknak and takot...wawawawa...sgt tensen dan risau!!!]

dan ter-tengking budak junior dgn jayanye..yeah..tahniah kpd sy..dh lama tak tengking org..[gila tak??bangga boleh mrh org??haha]..tak sengaja ok..dan sape suh krog wat keje cmtu..mcm takde o**k..soory to say la..aku mmg hangin org yg tak alert2 bnd muka kau...nxt time pikir..alert...bia ada sensitiviti ckit dlm diri...esok kami ad lg program utk plant physio..korg igt korg punye dh abes,korg blh wat tk kisah la poster org???sgt kurang ada akal punya budak...[sb tu sy susah nak baek dgn junior..saya tak suka org2 pk org len nk gune ke apa...bhs kasarnye...anda bengong kuasa infiniti].-------------> sgt you all deserve for it...

k..nk g dobi..baju btimbun tk basuh..minggu ni xde HUJUNG MINGGU...kesian kami budak bio sem6...budak sem laen??you all boleh pergi msk longkang..sila2....wat sakit jiwa je..huh..


p/s::entry ini sgt emo..sorry la rsnye xde junior upsi yg tau blog aku..ak xleh baek dgn junior..dr dlu lg..bkn sb sombong ke apa..boleh jgn wat prgai cmni..haa...tgk la bahana-nye...


Saturday, April 3, 2010

::i love my job very2 much::


::..saya penat..saya letih..saya nak balik..saya nak duk sorg2 tanpa buat apa2..saya nak study dgn aman tanpa gnguaan sesiapa mahupun apa2..::

::tp saya kene lalui sume ni dulu..ya Allah..aku dah penat..berilah kekuatan..huk~~::

  • simposium biologi pra-siswazah [ecology + plant physiology]
-sgt cuak utk present mini project eco..SIREH..sgt bdebar mnnti hari xbiase present di audi..huk..takot....=(..kl dlm kelas xpe la..redah je..smgt mastura...goreng je..mcm kamu goreng prof UTM kt johor dlu..hehe~~ (kisah 5tahun lepas..hehe)
  • present proposal - yg ni mmg tripple takut..sapelah panel aku?ya Allah..aku xnak HUHA..sgt seram............=(
  • report drosophilla...apakah??perlu ke..penat la Dr...huk...=(
  • carry mark xbape nak meletop sem ni..[sebelum ni??hehe..ok la jgk..hoho] sgt huru hara...kene get ready mental n physical ni utk terima hakikat n pulun ms stdy week sgup jd nerd..duk dlm bilik bc je buku tu...
  • adlh segala2 yg seram bg aku..mampukah men-develop lab manual utk bio students kt sekolah??daun apakah ak mahu guna?cara apakah aku mahu apply??ya Allah..again..hny KAU yg tahu ap yg terbaek utk aku...huk..=(

setakat ini..itu yg menyesakkan hidup sgt sy kene tabah n selalu smgt...dan kene igt.."zaman study itu paling indah"...lps ni dh xrs dah....smgt!!=)

k..mau tido...[td br ckp nk smgt..hehe] lg mau attendt launching event of bio-symposium..harap2 sume lncar..amin..


Friday, April 2, 2010

::speechless..silent cry in my heart::


Harus bagaimana lagi
Dan terus begini
Dengarkan aku
Lihat ke mataku

Cukup sudah kau menghukum
Salahku tetap salahku
Benarkan ku berbicara
Agar bisa pulih semua

Namun harus sampai bila
Kau kan diam seribu bahasa

Maafkanlah ku tak bisa hidup tanpa kamu
Fahamilah ku tak mampu terus tanpa kamu
Bagaimana ku nanti
Bila tiada mengganti
Yang ku ada hanya kamu saja

Saat mata terpejam
Hanya kau ku terbayang
Menghapus semua segala rasa di jiwaku

Saat mata terbuka
Kamulah yang pertama
Tak mampu aku
Hidup tanpa dirimu

mastura..apa lg hal yg kamu buat..sgt kejam aku ni..dah rs bagus sgt lalu ter-nasihat org smp org terasa..sgt tak patut..[bila nth aku mau buang perangai zaman kanak2 yg sentiasa mesti aku je yg menang, yang betul dan org laen kene ikut cakap aku..haisshhh...]

sy sgt2 menyesal dgn apa yg blaku...saya janji tak wat buat cmtu demi kepentingan tk pnah pk yg die dh wat ap yg sy cadangkan itu..maafkan sy....

p/s::mau prepare sireh..nt symposium malu kalo xleh perform ms sesi soal jawab...sireh..nape saat ni aku kene study kau wahai sireh..saat aku nk berbicara dgn dia..nak jelaskan segala2...hurm..=(


::~~forgive me dear~~::


entry ini mmg utk 'dia' org yg sy sgt syg selain family..dia..wonderwall saya..


saya mintak maaf..saya terkasar..saya ter-kejam..
saya tak pandai jaga hati awak..mcm awak jaga hati saya..
saya tak pandai nasihat awak..mcm awak nasihat saya..
saya tak pandai kawal emosi saya..mcm awak kawal emosi awak..


hanya awak yg saya sayang..
hanya awak yg saya ada..
walau mcm mana pun awak..
walau apa pun org2 kata..
saya tetap dgn keputusan dan pendirian saya..
saya sayang hanya awak sorang..


andai kata2 td buat awak terasa..
andai kata2 td buat hati terluka..
saya mintak maaf...sgt mtk maaf..
saya tak pernah berniat walau sebesar zarah pn..
utk buat awak terasa..


even awk ckp..
cara kita berbeza..tak pernah sama..
dan awak mintak kita rncg ms depan dgn cr masing2..
saya tak nak itu..
saya tak mahu itu..
kerana itu bukan cara kita..
awak dh lupa kita akan sm2 plan..dan fikir segala hal sm2..
saya harap awak tak lupa sume itu..


again..apologize me..
saya janji tak berkasar lg..
walau apa awak lakukan..
saya tetap ad menyokong awak..
hnya awak sorg yg sy kamu...wonderwall saya...

dlm mood yg xbape nk ceria,
