Thursday, December 31, 2009

::a new book..a new life::

about 1 hour and 10 minutes left,the new year will come.time flies so fast...and am gonna be 22 next year..omg!!!i have the age crisis..why???sy xbley terima sy dh umo dlu baru setahun..hehe..
btw, 2009..had taught me lot of things..taught to be a strong person..patient girl..knowing the colour of people..the true colour of people..which one is black and white..and everything..hope that this coming 2010 will bring me lots of luck..
also hope that am gonna be more stronger next year...and the most important is..
face the problem..solve it wisely..not by using the tears..and always pray to Allah because HE is always hear us..hear me..hear you...
ok la...sampai cni je dl..baibai 2009...segala asam garam jawa kehidupan spnjg tahun ni akan dijadikan kenangan dan panduan utk hidup di tahun depan...semoga tahun depan lbh bermakna and berjaye..amin..
~~selamat tahun baru 2010~~

::sekian lama menyepi..kini kembali::

dah lama sangat rasanye tak post entry sampai tak sedar hari ni dh last day utk tahun 2009...
kenapa??sb banyak sgt halangannya..laptop rosak..xde internet..haish..dan smlm dah melayang abour rm200 utk lappy tersayang ni..lps ni aku dah taknak tak amek kesah tntg laptop aku ni..ak tamau die overheat lg..dan aku tamau die terhentak lg...hoho
sem ni agk lain ckit dr sem2 lepas..kenapa??sb mgkin keadaan sekeliling yg berubah..mgkin orgnye..mgkin sume tu bkn jd halangan utk aku terus berusaha pd sem ni..kerana jnji ak pd diri sendiri..biar apa pun terjadi, work hard and smart tetap jd perkara utama...(bukan ayat mmg itulah hakikatnya..)
tatau nak tulis apa..mgkin sb dh lama tak memerah otak dek kerana asyik duk marking paper and kira summary english budak2 SPM baru ni..heheh..."cikgu to be tolong cikgu.." konsep every year yg diamalkan oleh aku and kak jgn risau for those yg ad sedara mara yg amik SPM..ak marking objectives je and kira summary....all those grammar things,literature and all else is still marking by the master and profesional own sister...hehe..
ap nth nk tulis lagi ni..owh ye..khas utk seseorang..a friend of me..ayah die sakit teruk jgk la..kan..jgn risau..teruskan berdoa..jgn rs down....yakin yg setiap penyakit ad penyembuhnya..
yeah..mastura dh mcm putus fius..bek stop..jap lg nk g pekan dgn azi...til then...
by now...