Saturday, February 28, 2009

::why i love u?::

dis poem i get from quizzila....n i realy mean dis poem...
enjoy it...

I love you
Because you actually take the time to listen to me instead of talking about yourself all the time.
I love you
When you hug me I can tell that you actually mean it
I love you
When you hug me I can tell that you
I love you
Because your different and you don't care what others think of you.
I love you
Because you aren't like the rest of the jerks out there who only get girls for pleasure.
I love you
Because I know your gonna treat me with respect
I love you
Because if you ever stop loving me, you'd tell me before breaking my heart in two.
I love you
Because you always know the right thing to say and when to say it; you can cheer me up.
I love you
Because you offered to make my ex disappear once after he broke my heart
But I wish......
You knew how much I loved you
And that you loved me in return
I wish I wasn't so scared about telling you for the fate of our friendship
But still: I love you


Friday, February 27, 2009

::e.s.o.k. e.x.a.m::


dah lame tak menyinggah cni....xsempat..huhu..
ni br balek lab biod....mata ngtuk..nt tdo tp dh 6.30lh lak....haila...
taktau nk citer otak penat sgt...yg nyata esok ak ad midterm fizik....
takot.................wahai kwn2..tlg la doa bia ak igt sume yg ak bace n dipermudahkan jwp soalan nt..
sesungguhnye zaman blaja ni....xde apa yg paling penting selain skor exam n dpt paham segala yg kite blaja.....betol tak?ng ak tu la yg paling penting....lg satu..leh apply ap kite blaja utk faedah org laen jgk.....

eh2..jd artikel motivasi la pulak..hehehe.....
penat la...nt smbg lg...nk rest jap...
mlm ni last tgk fizik...utk esok....heheheh...

i wish myself gudluck n ak doakan diri aku berjaye..(saje wish kt dri org laen xwish kn..hehe)


Sunday, February 22, 2009

::rindu abah n arwah mama::


dh lame dh menyinggah thp luar alam dua tiga empat menjak di.... week midterm xhbs bc lg......yg dh bc pn xbpe reti lg nk aply atas soalan...wawawa.....

ak tulis ni ms tgu my buddy nk g mkn mlm..hehe....ap yg terjadi??bila?smlm?eh....mlm smlm...
hurmm...mlm smlm....20feb...hurmm..hepy sgt....
my hero is coming...hahahaa.....xtau nape excited sgt nk jmpe mlm sebulan kot ak wat tempoh bertenang..xnk tgk muke....

tp jmp smlm rs smcm mcm diri jauh pn ad ngn die..xpelah...wat biase2 je la....maleh nk pkbn cmni...skrg ni berchenta ngn buku2 yg setimbun pikir hal ni....

smlm ms sblm tdo...ak xtau nape ak rs rindu sgt kt abah n arwah mama...nk kol abah tp xreti nk ckp apa...huhu...last sekali ak kol last week....ak xreti nk ckp apa...dlu hari2 ak kol ma...ak xnk abah pk ak xcarfe kt ak xreti n xtau nk ckp apa....hurmm......sedey sgt...

(eish....tb2 lak rs bpasir mata ni..jgn la kuar wahai cik air mata..ain dh nk dtg..malu nt...)

nth la...xtau nk ckp ak rindu sgt nk peluk abah n arwah nk kembali smn kecik pn ader.......zmn yg pnuh ke"happy"ian...xde bnde2 yg serabut ni..lg2 mslh chenta n perasaan...waaaaaaaa.....

dah la..xnk tulis lg psl ni..malu ni berchenta spnuh jiwa raga bakul segala ngn buku2 dlu..hrp2 ad rezeki nk smbg blaja smp thp mksimum...heheheh...

k la...ain dh nk smp....nt smbg melalut lg......

ap yg psti rindu sgt kt abah n arwah mama........n tang..n apeh...n sume family.........huhu~~


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

::YoU GoTTa Be::


lagu ni beta tujukan pade......sape2 je...hehe....
dgr tau..i like.....

~~YoU GoTTa Be~~

Listen as your day unfolds
Challenge what the future holds
Try and keep your head up to the sky
Lovers, they may cause you tears
Go ahead release your fears
Stand up and be counted
Don't be ashamed to cry

You gotta be
You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold
You gotta be wiser, you gotta be hard
You gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm
You gotta stay together
All I know, all I know, love will save the day

Herald what your mother said
Readin' the books your father read
Try to solve the puzzles in your own sweet time
Some may have more cash than you
Others take a different view
My oh my heh, hey

You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold
You gotta be wiser, you gotta be hard
You gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm
You gotta stay together
All I know, all I know, love will save the day

Don't ask no questions, it goes on without you
Leaving you behind if you can't stand the pace
The world keeps on spinning
You can't stop it, if you try to
This time it's danger staring you in the face
Oh oh oh Remember

Listen as your day unfolds
Challenge what the future holds
Try and keep your head up to the sky
Lovers, they may cause you tears
Go ahead release your fears
My oh my heh, hey, hey

You gotta be
You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold
You gotta be wiser, you gotta be hard
You gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm
You gotta stay together
All I know, all I know, love will save the day

You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold
You gotta be wiser, you gotta be hard
You gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm
You gotta stay together
All I know, all I know, love will save the day


Sunday, February 15, 2009

::DrIvE oH DrIvE::


arini tak penat sgt....arini g blaja keta je...sblm ak taip proposal..xslh rsnye kalu jari jemari yg bdaulat ni menari ats keyboard utk blog ni.hehhe

best gk drive br first time pegang kene gk sebijik ngn org yg ajar tu...brani2 die ckp kalu die naek keta ngn aku...abes la yatim anak2 die kt umah nt..kuang asam keping tul pkcik tu..

yg lg lawak si kecik sorg ni..leh lak tgh2 ak duk tgu org yg ajar dtg...die msj aku ckp nk pnjm kasut aku sb kasut die dh nazak...xleh nk dselamatkan dh..heheh....ak dh ckp aritu beli sneakers baru...xnk kecik ni mmg la.... die duk blaja moto ngn sue..ak nk bg pn ak tgh pakai....cian gk td...sbr je la...heheh....

tp kalu xde dorg..sunyi gk ak kt uni ni....ngn dorg la aku penin2 pale ke.....stdy ke...sume dorg...kire leh agkt taraf bestfren dh la..(bangga la si kecik 2org ni dgr..heheh) ak xde adik pempuan...jd ak rs cm dorg ni adik2 aku yg sbnr2nye sorg je kt dunia ni...apeh...i love u...(g program tautan kasih elok2...jgn tertaut ngn org thailand dh..ak backhand nt..kt malaysia ni rmai lg...hehe)..

adeih..nk g taip proposal la...ak xtau nape dorg letak nama aku sbg content expert..pdhl ak onye english thrill thp puteh pn xphm kalu ak ckp..hehehe...

tp ak xtau ms umah kitorg kene seranagn dr umah bwh..ak leh speaking ms muet aritu tk cmtu...berhabuk..xtau dpt aura dr mane...xpsti lec tu phm tak..(sb yg serang tu lec english..heheh) ak jumpe die kt bwh...ak say hai..hehhe...kunun2 jiran yg baek la..umah kene serang pn still senyum kalu bg zila n kak ina ms tu....mau kecoh se upsi...heheheh.....

okeh...smp cni dlu..xtau bile lg jari2 bdaulat ni leh mengetuk keyboard ni utk blog space....tgk keadaan la cmne....daaaaa.......


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

::makhluk yg wat saye penin::


di kesempatan ini aku nak ckp...ak letih arini je thn ckit rs..even kelas ad smpai malam...xreti nk ckp apa...cuma ak rs hepy sgt.....xde sape ak mmg hepy wlpn penat...cuma ak xsetuju satu kes rumate ak yg buang karan...

ad ker die kate muke aku cm org tua....die kate ak supposed to be kawen cpt..nt makin tua..huh...da la wat statement xkene mase..kalu ikot pkiran kureng rasional ms tu..nak nak je ak baling file kt kepala die..bia betul ckit fius yg rosak tu....pdhal die ngn aku beza 7tahun..die tu xkawen lg....nsb baek ak igt pesan abah n arwah mama...jgn cr gaduh ngn org...kalu ikut hati dh lame dh.............

ni die xde kt bilik..xtau ilang g mane..penin pale aku lyn die...die slalu kate ak ni jenis kepala angin la....moody ati aku la...bkn ak gune duit die pun..ak rs ak biase2 xtau la tkut ak rs biase je...

lgpun ak kn jenis yg mlas nk bckp bl balik kelas...balik tentu dh penat...otak tepu..fizikal letih...ak nmpk katil je...ak xnk balik bilik org bgurau wat lawak bodoh xkene tempat...memekik menjerit...try la blaja jd dewasa..hormat sensitiviti org tak....adeih...mmg sakit jiwa la...bia la nk kesah.....

hurmm...nt ak smbg pasal addeena nxt ni xsmpat..asyik letih je nk yg da latest news skrg...addeena dh hepy ckit..arini pn hepy..mkna tak nye putera cicak die dh kol td...addeena tu kl dpt dgr putera cicak sekejap pn jd la..pelik je kn org berchenta ni..xphm ak xsalahkan die syg giler putera cicak...wahai putera cicak.....tlglah phm..yg addeena ni btul2 sygkan awk...n addeena ucap thnx sgt sb jg die slma ni...addeena akn igt smp bila2...wlpn bl die dh tgalkan tg malim nt..(next 2years..)

ok la...nk g minum milo n bc multimedia..nt nk wat proposal courseware xreti lak...aduss...nk jd ckgu bio pn susah...wawawawa...belajar n mnjadi dewasa bkn mudah...caye lah kwn2..kne byk sbr..hehe...n pd post kali ni jgk first time ak letak pic yg ad ak dh edit dat xnmpk sape pengHIKAYAT pn sb ak nk suh korg pk...tuakah muke aku??hoho....atau rumate ak yg rabun thp dewa....hehe..(nth2 btul ak nmpk tua sb ak suke berkerut kening...haha)


(ak berani wat statement xbpe ngam ngn my rumate sb die xpnh tau ak ad blog..kih3...kalu tak mati aku....hihihi...)

okeh...akhir kate.....hidup la biase2 je..jnji kite igt tgjwb kite ngn Pencipta kite n parents....jgn over2 n cr selesaikan mslh yg ad...


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

::schubert's serenade:: satu lg...yg ni ak plg suke..schubert's serenade...hehehe...jgn ckp ak jiwang...dis song tennag je..bkn jiwang....i really like dis song..try dgr time serabut mabut...mst ilang..(",)

::schubert's serenade::

::i really realy love dis song::


sesaje nk share dis video ngn gk ad sorg kwn ak yg btau wujudnye canon rock violin..kalu tak ak xtau nyer..ak tau ad schuberts serenade je...hehe....try sgt... rock violin....

Monday, February 9, 2009

::10 things....::


mlm ni xleh nk stdy lg..xtau nape..sem ni sem plg jarang bukak buku..pdhl midterm fizik dh nk dekat..huhu....

disebabkan tahap kebosanan n sakit pale overboard yg mgangu proses revision aku (kalu wat revision) ak amek ksmpatan ni utk list down about myself..sumber ni ak dpt dr kwn2 n fmly aku la...lgpun ak sdri dh rsainye sb individu yg sdg diperhikayatkan ini adlah aku..hehe..

so..10 benda tntg diri aku...

1- amatlah tak suke pd kebisingan n keserabutan yg overdose

2- sk perhati n tgk lalu menganalisis org....sape2 je..prgai ni sm cm kak neem..(so bl duk kt shopping cmplex mst abes org ak tgk..)

3- plg tak sk org bckp ngn aku tyme ak duk bc buku...hatta novel skalipun..heheh..

4- pantang org gngu wktu ak ak jenis yg mdh terjaga wlpn org tu duk dkt tnpa sentuh pun...(kire cm ad sense kl pnt yg amat terus off tk sdr jgk..)

5- sk wrna2 yg suram..pudar...amat alergik ngn sbrg pkaian wrna pink..(tp skrg br leh trima hakikat ckit yg pink tu agak comel..)

6- tak reti nk expresi perasaan sdri..even ak mrh pn org leh ap2 hal ak lbh snyum je..(kakak ckp xleh cmni..susah nth la..)

7- br pndai bwk dlu ak mmg hampes n xreti lgsg pgg payung..terbang abes pyung tu..hehe (ak dpt skill ni sjak kwn ngn iena..hiihi)

8- tak sk tnjuk sedey dpn org...n kl sedey trigt family (slalu ms rindu sgt2 kt arwah mama...ak akn nanges dlm toilet je...kikiki)

9- agak snstif pl akademik wlpn ak bkn sorg yg skema mahupun abah n arwah mama dh didik cmni...

10- tido yg lgsg tak teratur...sk2 nk tdo bila bgn bila...(amat teruk rs yg xamalkan beauty sleep...hehe)

11- ak gk dikategorikan kwn2 sbg individu yg susah memahami bab chenta n perasaan wlpn ak pnh je crush ngn manusia ni...ak sdri pn xtau nape ak sk je lah....(xleh cite yg ni snstif...nt sedey..terserlah kejiwangan thp dewa..) ni je la dlu ak listkan..nt analisis lg..hehhe

nk smbg tgk fizik...tu pun kalu masok..hoho...

apa2 pn aku...ak adlah manusia biase jgk...yg xlari dr wat silap..xlari wat salah..
hrp kwn2 xkesah pn prgai ak cmni...
sb manusia ni plbgai n smstinya unik....

Sunday, February 8, 2009

::bila virus ini menyerang.::

adeih...sakit sgt...xtahan...wawawawa...

ak xtau nape 2,3 arini pale ak slalu je sakit..bkn sakit cm bese2 cm sakit yg mlmpau2 dh sakit pale ak mule la wat muke yg wat sume org xbrani tgur...huhu..

ak rase faktor cuace kt cni kot..kalu pnas..pnas giler2...n tb2 tak terkjut system tubuh ak org laen bese2 je..atau antibodi n system immunology ak yg lemah??adeih la...sbr je la..

time ak tulis ni perut sdg memaenkan lgu ap nth..pale lak tgh pusing penin..otak mcm dh dpt isyarat ad je makhluk nk vomit lps ni..huhu..actually ak lpr giler akak umah ajak mkn yg die masak...mee kari sarwak ap nth..mst mual ak lps ni...perut ak bkn leh trime sbrg bnd sleain nasi atau roti kl time cmni..xnk mkn kang terase ati lak..die dh msk cm nk jamu sekampung..aduss la...

arrgghh...ak dh xthn la..kene stop dlu..tgk lps ni kl tahan ak smbg berhikayat...sakit sgt...ya Allah bg la ak kekuatan nk jalan lps ni...jgn la wat tb2 terjatuh ms bjalan..haru nt yica n zila......huhu~~

<> =(

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

::T.U.L.I.P n H.O.L.L.A.N.D::

h.o.l.l.a.n.d vs p.o.l.l.a.n.d
(polland tu umah iena..sape2 nk g tny die...hehe)


takleh nk stdy lg....wa~~~...pelik je rs....dua tiga arini...ak asyik pk tulip n holland je..hehehe...xtau nape buang tabiat rs nk terbang g sane..igt leh g cm naek bas nk g pekan tg malim apa salahnyer berangan kn..berangan kn keje smpingan ak di waktu lapang..hihi...

hurmm....i miss to have tulip wif me now..n i also hope to be in holland...leh tak kalu kite tdo n tb2 kite bgn dh duk xmgkin kn...mane la doremon ni..ak nk mtk pintu suke hati...wawawa....see..bila ak dh stat berangan..mmg luar petala....

actually diz post xde ap pun..skdr nk luahkan yg diri ini sdg alami konflik kompius luar petala... sdg rs ingin ke holland..yg plg nk pgg tulip real n byk2...hihihi.....xtau la ak slah mkn ap smp jd cmni...hehehe....

::i'm b.a.c.k::


cmne nk stat...hurm..dh lebih smgu ak xkesah blog la psl..ak rs ak la blogger plh sempoi n pemalas di dunia..hehehe...bkn ap..last 2weeks realy2 bz....penat thp petala kelapan...
arini keje ak duk lab...bermain2 dgn species sapindaceae...ngn si kecik iena n sue...n diva FST ijad...keh3...kalo nk ikut mood n perasaan td rs tk siap keje...keje yg xde org wat..smbung pokok ceri trganu yg dh nazak tu...daun pun abes org xbetul bila pk niat blaja..wat la jgk...nsb baek ad si diva ni mnceriakan suasana yg pnuh emosi ngatif tu..hehe..diva..diva...

arini xde la pnt sgt..tu fzikal je mental pnt giler..byk la keje xsetle lg...
hati pn duk bdebar pk pasal ROS...wawawa...xsgka..dh kne msk environment skola dh...msuk dgn nama bakal ckgu...bkn student...ceh..xsgka jd ckgu gk aku..kikiki...mmg abes hncus la rs nye student aku...ikut my notes...juz go thro' by urself...sesuka hati n sesedap oren nk wat ape..jnji jg sahsiah n rezult gempak....mst ak kne buang daerah nt kl wat cenggitu.hehe...

hurmm...ak nk tulis smbgn putera nnt la..byk sgt dh cite psl addeena ak simpan..cian gk die..kalu la ak duk tmpt dh makin suntuk...hati lak makin tpksa lepas...kalu ak pn ak nk wat cmne...dh putera cicak pn xnk amik risiko....addeena ad ckp hrp2 miracle will tersrahlah...tu bkn level kite dh...tu keje DIA...biar die yg tentukan segala...cuma yg aku hrp...addeena sbr n tbh.....mmg ak akui...putera cicak die ad 1 je kt dunia ni...xde sape leh gnti...ak sdri pn xtau addeena nt bukak tak pintu hati die kt org laen..ak rs tak...n ak hrp sgt putera cicak bc ap aku tulis ni....

addeena tgu putera cicak je...smpai bila...xde sape tau......
hurm..nt la cite lg specific...ak nk wat reflection fizik...sem ni kn nk jd bdk baek..hehe
dh jnji ngn diri sdri...hihi...lgpn abah dh pesan bjuta2 wat la..wajib....
stdy itu ibadah.....jum stdy...